
LDS Quotes on & about Christmas

“When we see shepherds, may we remember to be humble. When we see wise men, may we remember to be generous. When we see the star, may we remember the Light of Christ, which gives life and light to all things. When we see a tiny baby, may we remember to love unconditionally, with tenderness and compassion.”

Bonnie L. Oscarson  |  "Christmas is Christlike Love"

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Thomas S. Monson

And when we find Him, will we be prepared as were the wise men of old to provide gifts from our many treasures? They presented gold, frankincense and myrrh. These are not the gifts Jesus asks of us. From the treasure of our hearts Jesus asks that we give of ourselves.

Thomas S. Monson  |  The Search For Jesus

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“I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.”

Charles Dickens  |  A Christmas Carol

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Perhaps the angel’s injunction to fear not has more transcendent relevance to us today than it did in calming the shepherds’ fear that first Christmas night.

Could he also have meant for us to understand that because of the Savior, fear will never triumph? to reinforce that ultimate fear is never justified? to remind us that no earthly problem need be lasting, that none of us is beyond redeeming?

L. Whitney Clayton  |  Fear Not

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“The spirit of Christmas makes us all more charitable, thoughtful and kind. We are taught in the scriptures that ‘every thing which inviteth to do good, and to persuade to believe in Christ, is sent forth by the power and gift of Christ; wherefore ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God.’ That feeling which compels even the most cantankerous soul to show brotherly kindness at Christmastime comes from God. How much more are those who are already seeking to become like the Savior filled with love and compassion at this season? The spirit of Christmas is Christlike love. The way to increase the Christmas spirit is to reach out generously to those around us and give of ourselves. The best gifts are not material things but gifts of listening, of showing kindness, of remembering, of visiting, of forgiving, of giving time.”

Bonnie L. Oscarson  |  "Christmas is Christlike Love"

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“The birth of Christ is the central event in the history of earth — the very thing the whole story has been about.”

CS Lewis  |  Allegedly, said in interview

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“Would it not be well this Christmas to give first to the Lord, directly through obedience, sacrifice, and love, and then to give to him indirectly through gifts to friends and those in need as well as to our own? Should we do this, perhaps many of us would discover a new Christmas joy.”

John A. Widtsoe  |  "The Gifts of Christmas", Ensign, Dec. 1972, 4

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“The light we love at Christmas emanates from the Light of the World, Jesus Christ. The story we cherish at Christmas tells of our Father’s plan of happiness, which Christ made possible. The gift that makes the Christmas season sacred is His very life, which He gave that we might have everlasting life.”

Craig C. Christensen  |  "The Fulness of the Story of Christmas"

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“Angels, shepherds, and Wise Men sought and found peace from their faith in Jesus Christ. So will you. The Savior’s birth is the gift that makes it possible for the Father to give us ‘peace in this world, and eternal life in the world to come.'”

Elder Henry B. Eyring  |  "Gifts of Peace"

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“As we prepare for His Second Coming, and as we stand in holy places, we persist in observing Christmas not just as a season of ‘Greetings’ or ‘Happy Holidays’ but as a celebration of the birth of the Son of God and a time to remember His teachings and the eternal significance of His Atonement. I pray that we will be faithful in doing so.”

Elder Dallin H. Oaks  |  "Prophetic Announcements of Christ’s Birth"

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