
LDS Quotes on Agency

“[Smartphones] need to be our servants, not our masters. For example, if later tonight you share inspiring thoughts from this devotional on social media, your smartphone is a servant. If you randomly surf the Internet, your smartphone is a master.”

Elder M. Russell Ballard

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“By ‘moral discipline,’ I mean self-discipline based on moral standards. Moral discipline is the consistent exercise of agency to choose the right because it is right, even when it is hard. It rejects the self-absorbed life in favor of developing character worthy of respect and true greatness through Christlike service.”

Elder D. Todd Christofferson  |  "Moral Discipline," Conference October 2009

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“Truly God loves us, and because He loves us, he neither compels or abandons us. Rather, he helps us and guides us. Indeed, the real manifestation of God’s love is His commandments.”

Elder D. Todd Christofferson

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“…we can choose to see commandments as limitations. We may feel at times that God’s laws restrict our personal freedom, take from us our agency, and limit our growth. But as we seek for greater understanding, as we allow our Father to teach us, we will begin to see that His laws are a manifestation of His love for us and obedience to His laws is an expression of our love for Him.”

Carole M. Stephens  |  "If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments,” 2015 General Conference

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“I have heard people say, and members of the Church too, ‘I have a right to do as I please.’ My answer is: No, you do not. You haven’t any right at all to do just as you please. There is only one right that you have, and that is to do just what I read to you: keep the commandments of Jesus Christ. He has a perfect right to tell us so. We have no right to refuse. I do not care who the man is; I do not care where he lives, or what he is – when the gospel of Jesus Christ is presented to him, he has no right to refuse to receive it. He has the privilege. He is not compelled to receive it, because our Father in heaven has given to everyone of us, in the Church and out, the gift of free agency. That free agency gives us the privilege to accept and be loyal to our Lord’s commandments, but it has never given us the right to reject them. Every man who rejects the commandments of our Father in heaven is rebellious.”

Joseph Fielding Smith  |  Conference Report, April 1967, pp. 120-21

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“I have seen the good fruit of the gospel blossom in my home continent of Africa. … In the doctrines and principles of the restored gospel, many are finding a sure anchor for their faith. Families uprooted from their rural communities in search of a better future in the towns and cities have found a new way to hold on to the strong family traditions which have come progressively under attack in this era of globalization. The Spirit of the Lord is moving powerfully among the people. A new celestial culture is developing in homes, nurtured by the ready hearkening to the counsel of the living prophet to have daily prayer and scripture study and to meet once a week as a family in home evening. As a result, many are able to break free from the shackles of traditions that restrict the exercise of their agency.”

Joseph W. Sitati  |  “Blessings of the Gospel Available to All”

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Had agency come to man without the Atonement, it would have been a fatal gift.

Boyd K. Packer

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“For where it is in our power to act, it is also in our power not to act.”

Aristotle  |  Complete Works of Aristotle, Volume 2


“Critical to our knowledge of the plan of happiness is an understanding of the great governing principle of agency.”

Elder M. Russell Ballard

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“As we consider his incomprehensible suffering for us, surely among the saddest five words our Savior ever uttered were these: ‘Will ye also go away?’ When times are difficult, we can make the choice to turn away from him and struggle through our afflictions alone, or we can make the choice to turn to him and the Father’s plan, finding that we will ‘suffer no manner of afflictions, save it were swallowed up in the joy of Christ.’ My prayer for each of us is to accept the invitation of the sacred Christmas hymn to ‘come, let us adore him’ and our Heavenly Father for his glorious and perfect plan!”

Linda K. Burton  |  "Oh, Come, Let Us Adore Him—the Plan!"

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