Russell M. Nelson

LDS Quotes By Prophet & Apostle President Russell M. Nelson
Russell M. Nelson is the 17th and current President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), having assumed the role in January 2018. Prior to his leadership in the church, he had a distinguished career as a renowned cardiothoracic surgeon and medical researcher.

His Best Selling Books Include

Daily Joy: A Devotional For Each Day of the Year
Now Is Your Time: A Message to the Rising Generation
Accomplishing the Impossible: What God Does, What We Can Do

Giving help to others—making a conscientious effort to care about others as much as or more than we care about ourselves—is our joy. Especially, I might add, when it is not convenient and when it takes us out of our comfort zone. Living that second great commandment is the key to becoming a true disciple of Jesus Christ.

Russell M. Nelson  |  The Second Great Commandment


From the dawning of time, women have been blessed with a unique moral compass—the ability to distinguish right from wrong. This gift is enhanced in those who make and keep covenants. And it diminishes in those who willfully ignore the commandments of God…Let me be very clear about this: if the world loses the moral rectitude of its women, the world will never recover.

Russell M. Nelson  |  Spiritual Treasures


If you are endowed but not currently married to a man who bears the priesthood and someone says to you, “I’m sorry you don’t have the priesthood in your home,” please understand that that statement is incorrect. You may not have a priesthood bearer in your home, but you have received and made sacred covenants with God in His temple. From those covenants flows an endowment of His priesthood power upon you. And remember, if your husband should die, you would preside in your home.

Russell M. Nelson  |  Spiritual Treasures


“God’s laws are motivated entirely by His infinite love for us and His desire for us to become all we can become.”

Russell M. Nelson


“Some people pray only when confronted with personal problems. Others don’t pray at all. A scripture makes this observation: “Ye do not remember the Lord your God in the things with which he hath blessed you, but ye do always remember your riches, not to thank the Lord your God for them.”

Russell M. Nelson  |  Ensign, May 2003, p. 7

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You will remember that I have invited the youth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to enlist in the Lord’s youth battalion to participate in the greatest cause on earth today—the gathering of Israel. I issued this invitation to our youth because they are unusually gifted in reaching out to others and sharing what they believe in a convincing fashion.

Russell M. Nelson  |  Witnesses, Aaronic Priesthood Quorums, and Young Women Classes

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“When the controversies about abortion are debated, “individual right of choice” is invoked as though it were the one supreme virtue. That could only be true if but one person were involved. The rights of any one individual do not allow the rights of another individual to be abused. In or out of marriage, abortion is not solely an individual matter. Terminating the life of a developing baby involves two individuals with separate bodies, brains, and hearts. A woman’s choice for her own body does not include the right to deprive her baby of life—and a lifetime of choices that her child would make. As Latter-day Saints, we should stand up for choice—the right choice—not simply for choice as a method.”

Russell M. Nelson  |  Abortion: An Assault on the Defenseless


“Religious liberty is essential if we are to raise up righteous children. Morally responsible families will not marginalize religious liberty, they will nurture and protect it.”

Russell M. Nelson

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“With that understanding and reverence for life, we deplore the loss of life associated with warfare. The data are appalling. In World War I, more than 8 million military fatalities occurred. In World War II, more than 22 million servicemen and women died.2 Together, these two wars, covering portions of 14 years, cost the lives of at least 30 million soldiers worldwide. That figure does not include the millions of civilian casualties.

“These data, however, are dwarfed by the toll of another war that claims more casualties annually than did World War I and World War II combined. Worldwide reports indicate that more than 40 million abortions are performed per year.

“This war called abortion is a war on the defenseless and the voiceless. It is a war on the unborn. This war is being waged globally. Ironically, civilized societies that have generally placed safeguards on human life have now passed laws that sanction this practice.”

Russell M. Nelson  |  Abortion: An Assault on the Defenseless


“We can change our behavior. Our very desires can change. How? There is only one way. True change—permanent change—can come only through the healing, cleansing, and enabling power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. He loves you—each of you! He allows you to access His power as you keep His commandments, eagerly, earnestly, and exactly. It is that simple and certain. The gospel of Jesus Christ is a gospel of change!”

Russell M. Nelson  |  Decisions for Eternity

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