“Too often we pray to have patience, but we want it right now!”
| Waiting upon the Lord: Thy Will Be Done, October 2011 General Conference
“Too often we pray to have patience, but we want it right now!”
| Waiting upon the Lord: Thy Will Be Done, October 2011 General Conference
“In some quiet way, the expression and feelings of gratitude have a wonderful cleansing or healing nature. Gratitude brings warmth to the giver and the receiver alike.”
| "Gratitude for the Goodness of God"
“A few of the basic attributes needed to become a lifelong learner are courage, faithful desire, humility, patience, curiosity, and a willingness to communicate and share the knowledge that we gain…. Lifelong learning is essential to the vitality of the human mind, body, and soul. It enhances self-worth and self-actuation. Lifelong learning is invigorating mentally and is a great defense against aging, depression, and self-doubt.”
| "The Journey of Lifelong Learning," in Brigham Young University 2008-2009 Speeches [2009], 2, 8-9
“Do you know how to recognize a true friend? A real friend loves us and protects us. In recognizing a true friend we must look for two important elements in that friendship: A true friend makes it easier for us to live the gospel by being around him. Similarly, a true friend does not make us choose between his way and the Lord’s way.”
| Ensign, May 1990, p. 40
“Light and darkness cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Light dispels darkness. When light is present, darkness is vanquished and must depart. More important, darkness cannot conquer light unless the light is diminished or departs.”
| Ensign, May 2002
“Too often, however, those who possess great talents are selfish and do not use their gifts for the benefit of others. And more importantly, they do not acknowledge that these gifts are God-given.”
| “Every Good Gift,” New Era, Aug. 1983, 6
| “Your Sorrow Shall Be Turned to Joy,” Ensign, Nov. 1983, 66.
“By choosing to be in His kingdom, we separate—not isolate—ourselves from the world. Our dress will be modest, our thoughts pure, our language clean.”
| “The Covenant of Baptism: To Be in the Kingdom and of the Kingdom,” Ensign, Nov. 2000, 8
“May we take time this Christmas season to renew our covenants to follow the Savior and to do his will, just as he did the will of our Heavenly Father. As we do so, the words of King Benjamin’s people, recorded 125 years before the Savior’s birth, will be fulfilled for us today: ‘O have mercy, and apply the atoning blood of Christ that we may receive forgiveness of our sins, and our hearts may be purified; for we believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who created heaven and earth, and all things; who shall come down among the children of men’ (Mosiah 4:2).
We live in a very difficult era in the history of the world, when Satan is going to and fro on the earth among the children of God, doing all manner of evil to thwart the desires of a righteous God. The scriptures teach us that Satan’s evil designs upon the peoples of the earth will intensify as the Second Coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ draws near at hand (see 2 Thessalonians 2:1-10; D&C 10:33; 52:14; 86:3-10). . . . It is so important that all of us understand that we live in the last dispensation of the fulness of time – that we are preparing for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and that the adversary in these last days will be able to loose more evils upon the world.
| Ensign, November 2001, pp. 39, 41