
LDS Quotes on Trials

“Suffering is universal; how we react to suffering is individual. Suffering can take us one of two ways. It can be a strengthening and purifying experience combined with faith, or it can be a destructive force in our lives if we do not have the faith in the Lord’s atoning sacrifice. The purpose of suffering, however, is to build and strengthen us. We learn obedience by the things we suffer.”

Elder Robert D. Hales  |  “Your Sorrow Shall Be Turned to Joy,” Ensign, Nov. 1983, 66.

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I too believe that God will always make a way where there is no way. I believe that if we will walk in obedience to the commandments of God, if we will follow the counsel of the priesthood, he will open a way even where there appears to be no way.

Gordon B. Hinckley

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“We need strength beyond ourselves to keep the commandments in whatever circumstance life brings to us. … The combination of trials and their duration are as varied as are the children of our Heavenly Father. No two are alike. But what is being tested is the same, at all times in our lives and for every person: will we do whatsoever the Lord our God will command us?”

Elder Henry B. Eyring  |  "In the Strength of the Lord," Ensign, May 2004, 17

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“Recovering from suffering is not like recovering from a disease. Many people don’t come out healed; they come out different.”

David Brooks  |  The Road to Character

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Suffering has been stronger than all other teaching, and has taught me to understand what your heart used to be. I have been bent and broken, but – I hope – into a better shape.

Charles Dickens  |  Great Expectations

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“I recognize that, on occasion, some of our most fervent prayers may seem to go unanswered. We wonder, “Why?” I know that feeling! I know the fears and tears of such moments. But I also know that our prayers are never ignored. Our faith is never unappreciated. I know that an all-wise Heavenly Father’s perspective is much broader than is ours. While we know of our mortal problems and pain, He knows of our immortal progress and potential. If we pray to know His will and submit ourselves to it with patience and courage, heavenly healing can take place in His own way and time.”

Russell M. Nelson  |  “Jesus Christ – the Master Healer,” Ensign, November 2005, p. 86

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“Pray for wisdom and understanding as you walk the difficult paths of your lives. If you are determined to do foolish and imprudent things, I think the Lord will not prevent you. But if you seek His wisdom and follow the counsel of the impressions that come to you, I am confident that you will be blessed.”

Gordon B. Hinckley  |  “Benediction,” Ensign, May 2003, pp. 99-100

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Neal A. Maxwell Headshot

“If we are serious about our discipleship, Jesus will eventually request each of us to do those very things which are most difficult for us to do.”

Elder Neal A. Maxwell

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All of our decisions will not be perfect. We will feel hopefully only temporarily, regret. But let us never wait for perfect clarity. It will be a rare decision indeed when all of the data in perfect clarity is apparent before the decision is made. Some of our greatest growth comes from the mind stretching exercise of filling in where information is not available and weighing that which is incomplete. Sometimes there must simply be a leap of faith.

Hugh W. Pinnock  |  “Decisions Determine Our Destiny,” February 6, 1981

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No matter how difficult the trail, and regardless of how heavy our load, we can take comfort in knowing that others before us have borne life’s most grievous trials and tragedies by looking to heaven for peace, comfort, and hopeful assurance. We can know as they knew that God is our Father, that He cares about us individually and collectively, and that as long as we continue to exercise our faith and trust in Him there is nothing to fear in the journey.

Elder M. Russell Ballard  |  “You Have Nothing to Fear from the Journey,” Ensign, May 1997, p. 59

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