
LDS Quotes on Decisions

“You are responsible for the choices you make. You should not blame your circumstances, your family, or your friends if you choose to disobey God’s commandments. You are a child of God with great strength. You have the ability to choose righteousness and happiness, no matter what your circumstances.”

For the Strength of Youth

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“God wants to give us something, but cannot, because our hands are full — there’s nowhere for Him to put it.”

St. Augustine  |  "City of God"

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“A good character is something you must make for yourself. It cannot be inherited from parents. It cannot be created by having extraordinary advantages. It isn’t a gift of birth, wealth, talent, or station. It is the result of your own endeavor. It is the reward that comes from living good principles and manifesting a virtuous and honorable life.”

L. Tom Perry  |  "The Tradition of a Balanced, Righteous Life", August 2011 Ensign

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“We are the creative force of our life, and through our own decisions rather than our conditions, if we carefully learn to do certain things, we can accomplish those goals.”

Stephen R. Covey  |  Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

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“The right to make a decision, then, is now ours, and it is the greatest asset we have on earth. The Lord will not, and cannot, and does not intend to take it away from us. He intends for us to use it. He is constantly advising us and teaching us how to use it for our own good and further growth, even to attain eternal life.”

Eldred G. Smith  |  "Decisions"

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Thomas S. Monson

“Some foolish persons turn their backs on the wisdom of God and follow the allurement of fickle fashion, the attraction of false popularity, and the thrill of the moment. Their course of conduct so resembles the disastrous experience of Esau, who exchanged his birthright for a mess of pottage.

“To illustrate, may I share with you the results of a survey conducted by a reputable organization and reported in a national magazine.2 The survey was entitled, “Would You, for Ten Million Dollars?” Let me ask you the same questions which were asked in the survey:

For 10 million dollars in cash, would you leave your family permanently?
Would you marry someone you didn’t love?
Would you give up all your friends permanently?
Would you serve a year’s jail term on a framed charge?
Would you take off your clothes in public?
Would you take a dangerous job in which you had a 1-in-10 chance of losing your life?
Would you become a beggar for a year?

“Of the people polled, 1 percent would leave their families, 10 percent would marry lovelessly, 11 percent would give up friends, 12 percent would undress in public, 13 percent would go to jail for a year, 14 percent would take the risky job, and 21 percent would beg for a year.

“Where money, rather than morality, dictates one’s actions, one is inclined away from God. Turning away from God brings broken covenants, shattered dreams, vanished ambitions, unfulfilled expectations, crushed hopes, and ruined lives.”

Thomas S. Monson  |  "Decisions Determine Destiny"

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“Notwithstanding the fact that through its misuse, political, economic, and personal liberty are lost, free agency will always endure because it is an eternal principle. However, the free agency possessed by any one person is increased or diminished by the use to which he puts it. Every wrong decision one makes restricts the area in which he can thereafter exercise his agency. The further one goes in the making of wrong decisions in the exercise of free agency, the more difficult it is for him to recover the lost ground. One can, by persisting long enough, reach the point of no return. He then becomes an abject slave. By the exercise of his free agency, he has decreased the area in which he can act, almost to the vanishing point.”

Marion G. Romney  |  “The Perfect Law of Liberty,” Ensign, Nov. 1981, p. 45

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“The decisions we make, individually and personally, become the fabric of our lives. That fabric will be beautiful or ugly according to the threads of which it is woven. I wish to say particularly to the young men who are here that you cannot indulge in any unbecoming behavior without injury to the beauty of the fabric of your lives. Immoral acts of any kind will introduce an ugly thread. Dishonesty of any kind will create a blemish. Foul and profane language will rob the pattern of its beauty.”

Gordon B. Hinckley  |  "This Work Is Concerned with People," Conference, April 1995

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“Neutrality is a nonexistent condition in this life. We are always choosing, always taking sides. That is part of the human experience – facing temptations on a daily, almost moment-by-moment basis – facing them not only in good days but on days we are down, the days we are tired, rejected, discouraged, or sick.”

Tad R. Callister  |  The Infinite Atonement

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“Generally our Heavenly Father will not interfere with the agency of another person unless He has a greater purpose for that individual. Two examples come to mind: Saul, who became the Apostle Paul, and Alma the Younger. Both these men were deterred from their unrighteous objective of persecuting and trying to destroy the church of God. Both became great missionaries for the Church. But even as the Lord intervened, they were given choices. Alma, for example, was told, ‘If thou wilt be destroyed of thyself, seek no more to destroy the church of God.’”

Marvin J. Ashton  |  “Know He Is There,” Ensign, February 1994, p. 54

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