“God’s laws are motivated entirely by His infinite love for us and His desire for us to become all we can become.”
LDS Quotes on Commandements
“God’s laws are motivated entirely by His infinite love for us and His desire for us to become all we can become.”
| A New Witness for the Articles of Faith
“…we can choose to see commandments as limitations. We may feel at times that God’s laws restrict our personal freedom, take from us our agency, and limit our growth. But as we seek for greater understanding, as we allow our Father to teach us, we will begin to see that His laws are a manifestation of His love for us and obedience to His laws is an expression of our love for Him.”
| "If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments,” 2015 General Conference
“Decisions of character are made by remembering the right order of the first and second great commandments.”
“We need strength beyond ourselves to keep the commandments in whatever circumstance life brings to us. … The combination of trials and their duration are as varied as are the children of our Heavenly Father. No two are alike. But what is being tested is the same, at all times in our lives and for every person: will we do whatsoever the Lord our God will command us?”
| "In the Strength of the Lord," Ensign, May 2004, 17
“Because of Christ there is hope smiling brightly before you, and you need not worry too much about sickness, death, poverty, or other afflictions. The Lord will take care of you. Your responsibility is to keep the commandments, feast upon the words of Christ, and stay in the path to your heavenly home.”
| "There Is Hope Smiling Brightly before Us", Ensign, May 2003, 103
“Happiness is the object and design of our existence; and will be the end thereof, if we pursue the path that leads to it; and this path is virtue, uprightness, faithfulness, holiness, and keeping all the commandments of God.”
When God commands, do it!
| History of the Church, 2:170; from “History of the Church” (manuscript), book B-1, p. 558
“I have met any number of people who have said the Word of Wisdom is not a command from the Lord, that it is not given by way of commandment. But the Word of Wisdom is the will of the Lord and the Lord says in the words that I have just read that it is not meet that we should be commanded in all things (D&C 58:26-29) . . . One of the best ways in all the world to bring to pass much righteousness is to set an example as a conscientious, God-fearing Latter-day Saint, observing all of the requirements of the Lord.”
| Conference Report, April 1931, pp. 12-13