Broken Heart & Contrite Spirit

Richard G. Scott Portrait

“If you are suffering the disheartening effects of transgression, please recognize that the only path to permanent relief from sadness is sincere repentance with a broken heart and a contrite spirit.”

Richard G. Scott  |  A Broken Heart and a Contrite Spirit

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“I do not think that all who choose wrong roads perish; but their rescue consists in being put back on the right road. A [mathematical] sum [incorrectly worked] can be put right: but only by going back till you find the error and [then] working it afresh from that point, never by simply going on. Evil can be undone, but it cannot ‘develop’ into good. Time does not heal it. The spell must be unwound.”

CS Lewis  |  The Great Divorce

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“The tumult and the shouting dies;
The captains and the kings depart.
Still stands thine ancient sacrifice,
An humble and a contrite heart.”

Rudyard Kipling

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“Sometimes we need a personal crisis to reinforce in our minds what we really value and cherish. The scriptures are filled with examples of people facing crises before learning how to better serve God and others. Perhaps if you, too, search your hearts and courageously assess the priorities in your life, you may discover, as I did, that you need a better balance among your priorities.”

Elder M. Russell Ballard  |  Conference Report, Apr. 1987, 14–15; or Ensign, May 1987, 13

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“Soil is broken to plant wheat. Wheat is broken to make bread. Bread is broken to become the emblems of the sacrament. When one who is repentant partakes of the sacrament with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, he or she becomes whole.”

Randy D. Funk  |  "Called of Him to Declare His Word"

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“Conversion does not normally come all at once. . . . It comes in stages, until a person becomes at heart a new person.”

Dale E. Miller  |  “Bringing Peace and Healing to Your Soul”

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“The Savior’s perfect submission to the Eternal Father is the very essence of a broken heart and a contrite spirit. Christ’s example teaches us that a broken heart is an eternal attribute of godliness. When our hearts are broken, we are completely open to the Spirit of God and recognize our dependence on Him for all that we have and all that we are. The sacrifice so entailed is a sacrifice of pride in all its forms. Like malleable clay in the hands of a skilled potter, the brokenhearted can be molded and shaped in the hands of the Master.”

Bruce D. Porter  |  A Broken Heart and a Contrite Spirit

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“Like malleable clay in the hands of a skilled potter, the broken-hearted can be molded and shaped in the hands of the master.”

Bruce D. Porter

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