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ā€œIt is not an easy thing to become a member of this Church. In most cases it involves setting aside old habits, leaving old friends and associations, and stepping into a new society which is different and somewhat demanding. With the ever-increasing number of converts, we must make an increasingly substantial effort to assist them as they find their way. Every one of them needs three things: a friend, a responsibility, and nurturing with ā€˜the good word of Godā€™ . It is our duty and opportunity to provide these things.ā€

Gordon B. Hinckley  |  ā€œConverts and Young Menā€

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ā€œI believe in beauty. The earth in its pristine beauty is an expression of the nature of its Creatorā€¦. I believe in the beauty of natureā€”the flowers, the fruit, the sky, the peaks and the plains from which they rise. I see and believe in the beauty of animals….I believe in beautyā€”the beauty of God’s unspoiled creations, the beauty of his sons and daughters who walk without whimpering, meeting the challenges of each new day.ā€

Gordon B. Hinckley  |  The Teachings of Gordon B. Hinckley, 248, 249.


Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf

ā€œSetting goals is a worthy endeavor. We know that our Heavenly Father has goals because He has told us that His work and glory is ā€˜to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of manā€™ (Moses 1:39).

ā€œOur personal goals can bring out the best in us. However, one of the things that derail our efforts in making and keeping resolutions is procrastination. We sometimes delay starting, waiting for the right moment to beginā€”the first day of a new year, the beginning of summer, when weā€™re called as bishop or Relief Society president, after the kids get into school, after we retire.ā€

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf  |  The Best Time to Plant a Tree

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Elder Jeffery R. Holland of the LDS church

ā€œNot everything in life is so black and white, but the authenticity of the Book of Mormon and its keystone role in our religion seem to be exactly that. Either Joseph Smith was the prophet he said he was, a prophet who, after seeing the Father and the Son, later beheld the angel Moroni, repeatedly heard counsel from Moroni’s lips, and eventually received at his hands a set of ancient gold plates that he then translated by the gift and power of God, or else he did not. And if he did not, he would not be entitled to the reputation of New England folk hero or well-meaning young man or writer of remarkable fiction. No, nor would he be entitled to be considered a great teacher, a quintessential American religious leader, or the creator of great devotional literature. If he had lied about the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, he would certainly be none of these…If Joseph Smith did not translate the Book of Mormon as a work of ancient origin, then I would move heaven and earth to meet the “real” nineteenth-century author. After one hundred and fifty years, no one can come up with a credible alternative candidate, but if the book were false, surely there must be someone willing to step forward-if no one else, at least the descendants of the “real” author-claiming credit for such a remarkable document and all that has transpired in its wake. After all, a writer that can move millions can make millions. Shouldn’t someone have come forth then or now to cashier the whole phenomenon?

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland  |  True Or False

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Elder Jeffery R. Holland of the LDS church

“In this long eternal quest to be more like our Savior, may we try to be “perfect” men and women in at least this one way now-by offending not in word, or more positively put, by speaking with a new tongue, the tongue of angels. Our words, like our deeds, should be filled with faith and hope and charity, the three great Christian imperatives so desperately needed in the world today.”

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland  |  "The Tongue of Angels", Ensign, May 2007, 16ā€“18

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Neal A. Maxwell Headshot

Future revelations, brothers and sisters, will include astounding events as well as great and important truths. So much so, that Mosesā€™ and Israelā€™s exulting song after safely crossing the Red Sea (see Ex. 15) and the Prophet Josephā€™s 1842 litany will gladly give way to the crescendo of glorious events associated with Christā€™s coming in majesty and power.

The valley of Adam-ondi-Ahman will ring again ā€“ this time with the sounds of dispensational reunion, as it glows with gathering (see Dan. 7:13-14; D&C 107:53-57; D&C 116:1)! Those of Enochā€™s utterly unique city of ā€œone heartā€ will greet those of the New Zion with holy embraces and holy kisses amid the sounds of sweet sobbing (see Moses 7:62ā€“63)! The ā€œhills shall trembleā€ at the presence of the lost tribes, and hearts, as well as ice, will melt, as they come ā€œfilled with songs of everlasting joyā€ (see D&C 133:26ā€“33).

And it will all occur at the direction of the ā€œRedeemer of Israel, our only delight.ā€ Hence, ā€œas children of Zion, good tidings for us. . . . The hour of redemption is nearā€ (Hymns, 1985, no. 6)

Elder Neal A. Maxwell  |  ā€œGod Will Yet Reveal,ā€ Ensign, November 1986


ā€œMany blessings and friendships have come into our lives from our trying to share the gospel. But this blessing has been one of the best: Having the missionaries regularly help us as a family teach the gospel to new and old friends through the power of the Holy Ghost has profoundly affected the faith of our five children and brought the Spirit of God into our home.ā€

Clayton M. Christensen  |  The Power of Everyday Missionaries

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As you know, we have recently issued a booklet on child abuse. We deplore this terrible thing which seems to be growing in the world. Of course, it is not new. It has gone on for generations. It is serious, and we so regard it. Sexual abuse of children on the part of fathers, or anyone else, has long been a cause for excommunication from the Church. No man who has been ordained to the priesthood of God can with impunity indulge in either spouse or child abuse. Such activity becomes an immediate repudiation of his right to hold and exercise the priesthood and to retain membership in the Church.

I am glad that there is a growing public awareness of this insidious evil. The exploitation of children, or the abuse of oneā€™s spouse, for the satisfaction of sadistic desires is sin of the darkest hue.

Gordon B. Hinckley  |  Questions and Answers


ā€œAs you entered the mission field you concluded one phase of life and began another. To this point many of you have had the protection and close support of family and church leaders and teachers. Now you have moved into a new phase of life on your own. You are essentially on your own. From this point on, you are wholly responsible for what you do and most importantly for who you become.ā€

Lawrence Corbridge  |  ā€œThe Fourth Missionaryā€


“Believing things on authority only means believing them because you have been told them by someone you think is trustworthy. 99% of the things you believe are believed on authority. I believe there is such a place as New York. I have not seen it myself. I cannot prove by abstract reasoning that there is such a place. I believe it because reliable people have told me so. The ordinary man believes in the Solar System, atoms, evolution, and the coalition of blood on authority.ā€

CS Lewis  |  Mere Christianity

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