Spencer W. Kimball

Quotes By LDS Prophet & Apostle Spencer W. Kimball

Spencer W. Kimball Portrait

“God is good. He is eager to forgive. He wants us to perfect ourselves and maintain control of ourselves. He does not want Satan and others to control our lives. We must learn that keeping our Heavenly Father’s commandments represents the only path to total control of ourselves, the only way to find joy, truth, and fulfillment in this life and in eternity.”

Spencer W. Kimball

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Spencer W. Kimball Portrait

“God reveals himself to [people] who are prepared for such manifestations.”

Spencer W. Kimball  |  Conference Report, Apr. 1964, 97.

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Spencer W. Kimball Portrait

“Every time a temple is dedicated to the Lord , the darkness pushes further back, prison doors are opened and light comes into the world.”

Spencer W. Kimball  |  Church News, Jan. 27, 2001


Spencer W. Kimball Portrait

“If the Lord was meek and lowly and humble, then to become humble one must do what He did in boldly denouncing evil, bravely advancing righteous works, courageously meeting every problem, becoming the master of himself and the situations about him and being near oblivious to personal credit. . . .Humble and meek properly suggest virtues, not weaknesses. They suggest a consistent mildness of temper and an absence of wrath and passion. Humility suggests no affectation, no bombastic actions. It is not turbid nor grandiloquent. It is not servile submissiveness. It is not cowed nor frightened. No shadow or the shaking of a leaf terrorizes it…How does one get humble? To me, one must constantly be reminded of his dependence. On whom dependent? On the Lord. How remind one’s self? By real, constant, worshipful, grateful prayer.”

Spencer W. Kimball  |  “Humility,” BYU Speeches of the Year

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Spencer W. Kimball Portrait

“Let us get our instruments tightly strung and our melodies sweetly sung. Let us not die with our music still in us. Let us rather use this precious mortal probation to move confidently and gloriously upward toward the eternal life which God our Father gives to those who keep His commandments.”

Spencer W. Kimball  |  The Miracle of Forgiveness (Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1969), 17.

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Spencer W. Kimball Portrait

“Fatherhood is leadership, the most important kind of leadership. It has always been so: it always will be so. Father, with the assistance and counsel and encouragement of your eternal companion, you preside in the home. It is not a matter of whether you are most worthy or best qualified, but it is a matter of law and appointment. You preside at the meal table, at family prayer. You preside at family home evening; and as guided by the Spirit of the Lord, you see that your children are taught correct principles. It is your place to give direction relating to all of family life. You give father’s blessings. You take an active part in establishing family rules and discipline. As a leader in your home you plan and sacrifice to achieve the blessing of a unified and happy family. To do all of this requires that you live a family-centered life.”

Spencer W. Kimball  |  “The Example of Abraham,” Ensign, June 1975, p. 3

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Spencer W. Kimball Portrait

“I am convinced that each of us, at least some time in our lives, must discover the scriptures for ourselves—and not just discover them once, but rediscover them again and again”

Spencer W. Kimball  |  “How Rare a Possession—the Scriptures!” Ensign, Sept. 1976, 4


Spencer W. Kimball Portrait

“Those who keep a book of remembrance are more likely to keep the Lord in remembrance in their daily lives. Journals are a way of counting our blessings and of leaving an inventory of these blessings for our posterity.”

Spencer W. Kimball  |  The Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, ed. Edward L. Kimball, Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1982, p. 349.


Spencer W. Kimball Portrait

Therefore, whenever anything so basic as the eternal family is imperiled, we have a solemn obligation to speak out, lest there be critical damage to the family institution by those who seem to be deliberately destructive of it.

Spencer W. Kimball  |  1980–O:4, Spencer W. Kimball, Families Can Be Eternal


Spencer W. Kimball Portrait

The Sabbath is a holy day in which to do worthy and holy things. Abstinence from work and recreation is important but insufficient. The Sabbath calls for constructive thoughts and acts, and if one merely lounges about doing nothing not he Sabbath, he is breaking it. To observe it, one will be on his knees in prayer, preparing lessons, studying the gospel, meditating, visiting the ill and distressed, sleeping, reading wholesome material, and attending all the meetings of that day to which he is expected. To fail to do these proper things is a transgression on the omission side.

Spencer W. Kimball  |  Ensign, January 1978, p. 4
