Elder Gary E. Stevenson

Along the way you will most likely stumble and fall—perhaps many, many times. You are not perfect; falling is part of the qualifying process that allows you to refine your character and serve in a more compassionate way. If you fail, repent and learn from it…Practice so you will do better the next time. Ultimately, it’s up to you.

Elder Gary E. Stevenson  |  Your Priesthood Playbook

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“You have the Savior of the world on your side. If you seek His help and follow His directions, how can you fail?”

Elder Gary E. Stevenson

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“The miracle of the Atonement can make up for imperfections in our performance.”

Elder Gary E. Stevenson

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“There exists a righteous unity between the temple and the home. Understanding the eternal nature of the temple will draw you to your family; understanding the eternal nature of the family will draw you to the temple”

Elder Gary E. Stevenson  |  Sacred Homes, Sacred Temples

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“You are never lost when you can see the temple.”

Elder Gary E. Stevenson


Satan, the father of lies and the great deceiver, would have us question things as they really are and either ignore eternal truths or replace them with something that appears more pleasing. “He maketh war with the saints of God”2 and has spent millennia calculating and practicing the ability to persuade God’s children to believe that good is evil and evil is good.

Elder Gary E. Stevenson  |  Deceive Me Not


“This Christmas, as the spirit of the season permeates our hearts, let us do something that expresses our feelings in an outward way, showing that we understand that the babe born in Bethlehem is the real Redeemer.”

Elder Gary E. Stevenson


“Without Christ, there would be no Christmas. Without Christ, there can be no fulness of joy. Without his birth and his Atonement, we would have no Intercessor, no Advocate with the Father, and no Mediator who makes it possible for us to return to the presence of our loving Heavenly Father and live together as eternal families.

“I celebrate with you the beautiful and miraculous reality of the birth and mission of the Son of God, and I bear my testimony that Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer — the promised Messiah.”

Elder Gary E. Stevenson  |  "The Reality of Christmas"

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“There exists a righteous unity between the temple and the home. Understanding the eternal nature of the temple will draw you to your family; understanding the eternal nature of the family will draw you to the temple.”

Elder Gary E. Stevenson

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