
LDS Quotes on Self-Mastery

Richard G. Scott Portrait

“I am convinced that there is no simple formula or technique that I could give you or that you could give your students that would immediately facilitate mastering the ability to be guided by the Holy Spirit. Nor do I believe that the Lord will ever allow someone to conceive a pattern that would invariably and immediately open the channels of spiritual communication. We grow when we labor to recognize the guidance of the Holy Ghost as we struggle to communicate our needs to our Father in Heaven in moments of dire need or overflowing gratitude.

Richard G. Scott  |  “To Learn and to Teach More Effectively,” BYU Education Week, August 21, 2007

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“Self-denial … is not the negative, forbidding thing that often we shake our heads about. In one sense there is no such thing as self-denial, for what we call such is the necessary price we pay for things on which our hearts are set.”

Harry Emerson Fosdick


“You will never have a greater or lesser dominion than that over yourself…the height of a man’s success is gauged by his self-mastery; the depth of his failure by his self-abandonment. …And this law is the expression of eternal justice. He who cannot establish dominion over himself will have no dominion over others.”

Leonardo da Vinci

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“It is for the husband to learn how to gather around his family the comforts of life, how to control his passions and temper, and how to command the respect, not only of his family, but of all his brethren, sisters, and friends.”

Brigham Young  |  Discourses of Brigham Young, 198

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“Every challenge you face, every hard thing you confront, every bad thing that happens to you, every unfairness, every conflict, every sadness, tragedy, every disappointment and heartache, every temptation and every opposition happens for one purpose only: to give you opportunity to respond by applying in your life the teachings of Jesus. As you do so you are changed to become more like Him.”

Lawrence Corbridge  |  "The Fourth Missionary"

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Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf

“I, the Lord, will forgive whom I will forgive,” but then He said, “… of you it is required to forgive all men… May I add a footnote here? When the Lord requires that we forgive all men, that includes forgiving ourselves. Sometimes, of all the people in the world, the one who is the hardest to forgive—as well as perhaps the one who is most in need of our forgiveness—is the person looking back at us in the mirror.”

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf  |  The Merciful Obtain Mercy

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“The greatest of faults is to be conscious of none.”

Thomas Carlyle

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Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf

“When it comes to living the gospel, we should not be like the boy who dipped his toe in the water and then claimed he went swimming. As sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father, we are capable of so much more. For that, good intentions are not enough. We must do. Even more important, we must become what Heavenly Father wants us to be.”

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf  |  "Of Regrets and Resolutions," April 2012

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“One can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery of oneself.”

Leonardo da Vinci


Spencer W. Kimball Portrait

“Upon practicing the law of the fast, one finds a personal well-spring of power to overcome self-indulgence and selfishness.”

Spencer W. Kimball  |  In Conference Report, Apr. 1978, 121.

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