
“The blessings of discipleship are readily available to all who are willing to pay the price. Discipleship brings purpose to our lives so that rather than wandering aimlessly, we walk steadily on that straight and narrow way that leads us back to our Heavenly Father. Discipleship brings us comfort in times of sorrow, peace of conscience, and joy in service – all of which help us to be more like Jesus.”

James E. Faust  |  “Discipleship,” Ensign, November 2006, p. 22

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God is weaving his tapestry according to his own grand design. All flesh is in his hands. It is not our prerogative to counsel him. It is our responsibility and our opportunity to be at peace in our minds and in our hearts, and to know that he is God, that this is his work, and that he will not permit it to fail.

We have no need to fear. We have no need to worry. We have no need to speculate. Our imperative need is to be found doing our duty individually in the callings which have come to us.

Gordon B. Hinckley  |  “He Slumbers Not, nor Sleeps,” Ensign, May 1983

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“The price of peace is righteousness. Men and nations may loudly proclaim, ‘Peace, peace,’ but there shall be no peace until individuals nurture in their souls those principles of personal purity, integrity, and character which foster the development of peace. Peace cannot be imposed. It must come from the lives and hearts of men. There is no other way.”

Ezra Taft Benson  |  "Finding Peace", Ensign, March 2004

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“Sadly, many individuals don’t know where to find God, and exclude him from their lives. When spiritual needs arise, they may look to the left, the right, or roundabout. But looking to other people on the same level cannot satisfy spiritual shortages. When the immortal spirit is starved, hunger persists for something more filling. Even when material success comes, there is a hollow ache–if living well falls short of living worthily. Inner peace cannot be found in affluence accompanied by spiritual privation.”

Russell M. Nelson  |  Ensign, May 1996, Page 14

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“No matter how difficult the trail, and regardless of how heavy our load, we can take comfort in knowing that others before us have borne life’s most grievous trials and tragedies by looking to heaven for peace, comfort, and hopeful assurance. We can know as they knew that God is our Father, that He cares about us individually and collectively, and that as long as we continue to exercise our faith and trust in Him there is nothing to fear in the journey.”

Elder M. Russell Ballard  |  "You Have Nothing to Fear from the Journey", Ensign, May 1997, 59

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“Are these perilous times? They are. But there is no need to fear. We can have peace in our hearts and peace in our homes.”

Gordon B. Hinckley


“Mankind … must determine to travel in company with the one or the other. The reward for following the one is the fruit of the Spirit—peace. The reward for following the other is the works of the flesh—the antithesis of peace…The price of peace is victory over Satan.”

Marion G. Romney  |  Ensign, Oct. 1983, pp. 4, 5.

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James R. Rasband

Would Alma truly have felt what he describes as ‘exquisite … joy’ if he thought that Christ saved him but left forever harmed those he had led away from the truth? Surely not. For Alma to feel complete peace, those he harmed also needed the opportunity to be made whole.

James R. Rasband  |  Ensuring a Righteous Judgment - General Conference 2020

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Joseph Smith Portrait

“You don’t know me; you never knew my heart. No man knows my history. I cannot tell it: I shall never undertake it. I don’t blame anyone for not believing my history. If I had not experienced what I have, I would not have believed it myself. I never did harm any man since I was born in the world. My voice is always for peace.”

Joseph Smith  |  History of the Church, 6:317

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The situation is very pleasant and you would be much pleased to see it. How long we will be permitted to enjoy it I know not; but the Lord knows what is best for us. I feel but little concerned about where I am, if I can but keep my mind staid upon God; for you know, in this, there is perfect peace.

N. Aldin Porter  |  “Sacrifice Brings What?” BYU-Idaho Devotional, February 10, 2004

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