Missionary Work & Preparation

LDS Quotes On Missionary Work & Mission Preparation

You will remember that I have invited the youth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to enlist in the Lord’s youth battalion to participate in the greatest cause on earth today—the gathering of Israel. I issued this invitation to our youth because they are unusually gifted in reaching out to others and sharing what they believe in a convincing fashion.

Russell M. Nelson  |  Witnesses, Aaronic Priesthood Quorums, and Young Women Classes

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Elder Jeffery R. Holland of the LDS church

“On this Christmas I send my love to every missionary, every man or woman in the military, every student, and every employee and traveler who won’t ‘be home for Christmas,’ as the carol says. Keep your faith. Look for the good in your situation. Do something kind for someone. Seek Christ devoid of wrapping and tinsel. You will find that despite external circumstances, Christmas — like the kingdom of God — is ‘within you’ (Luke 17:21).”

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland  |  "Christmas within You"

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Joseph Smith Portrait

“The nearer we get to our Heavenly Father, the more we are disposed to look with compassion on perishing souls.”

Joseph Smith


“The gospel messages you share will be accepted more readily if your Christlike example is evident in the ongoing pattern of your posts.”

Elder David A. Bednar

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Elder Jeffery R. Holland of the LDS church

“In zone conferences, which are some of the greatest teaching moments we as General Authorities have with these young elders and sisters, I have asked missionaries what it is they want investigators to do as a result of their discussions with them.

“Be baptized!” is shouted forward in an absolute chorus…

“I don’t always run through this little exercise in a zone conference, but sometimes I do. And I have to say that almost never do the missionaries get around to identifying the two most fundamental things we want investigators to do prior to baptism: have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and repent of their sins. Yet ‘we believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; [then] third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.’”

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland  |  Missionary Work and the Atonement

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“The Holy Ghost makes an ideal traveling companion.”

Larry R. Lawrence

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“Be grateful, be smart, be clean, be true, be humble, be prayerful.”

Gordon B. Hinckley  |  Way To Be!: 9 Rules For Living The Good Life

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Joseph Smith Portrait

“And now, I ask, how righteousness and truth are going to sweep the earth as with a flood? I will answer. Men and angels are to be co-workers in bringing to pass this great work, and Zion is to be prepared…”

Joseph Smith  |  Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 84

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Elder Jeffery R. Holland of the LDS church

“You’re the most prayed for people on the face of the earth. I really believe that. I do not believe, collectively speaking, that there is any body of people that’s any collective circle of individuals are prayed for on the face of the earth than the LDS missionaries.”

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland  |  “The Miracle of a Mission”


You will remember that I have invited the youth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to enlist in the Lord’s youth battalion to participate in the greatest cause on earth today—the gathering of Israel. I issued this invitation to our youth because they are unusually gifted in reaching out to others and sharing what they believe in a convincing fashion.

Russell M. Nelson  |  Witnesses, Aaronic Priesthood Quorums, and Young Women Classes

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