General Conference 2020

Joy D Jones

We are always progressing as long as we are striving to follow the Lord.

Joy D. Jones  |  An Especially Noble Calling - General Conference 2020

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James R. Rasband

Would Alma truly have felt what he describes as ‘exquisite … joy’ if he thought that Christ saved him but left forever harmed those he had led away from the truth? Surely not. For Alma to feel complete peace, those he harmed also needed the opportunity to be made whole.

James R. Rasband  |  Ensuring a Righteous Judgment - General Conference 2020

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I have often wondered why Joseph and Hyrum and their families had to suffer so much. It may be that they came to know God through their suffering in ways that could not have happened without it. Through it, they reflected on Gethsemane and the cross of the Savior. As Paul said, “For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake.”

Elder M. Russell Ballard  |  Shall We Not Go On in So Great a Cause?

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Joseph came to realize that the Bible did not contain all the answers to life’s questions; rather, it taught men and women how they could find answers to their questions by communicating directly with God through prayer.

Elder M. Russell Ballard

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