General Conference 2019

You remember President Nelson’s perfect description of a woman’s divine mission—including her mission of mothering: “As mother, teacher, or nurturing Saint, she molds living clay to the shape of her hopes. In partnership with God, her divine mission is to help spirits live and souls be lifted. This is the measure of her creation.”

Elder Henry B. Eyring  |  Covenant Women in Partnership with God


Keeping promises is not a habit; it is a characteristic of being a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Elder Ronald A. Rasband  |  Standing by Our Promises and Covenants

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We must never persecute those who do not share our beliefs and commitments. Regretfully, some persons facing these issues continue to feel marginalized and rejected by some members and leaders in our families, wards, and stakes. We must all strive to be kinder and more civil.

Elder Dallin H. Oaks  |  Two Great Commandments


We must try to keep both of the great commandments. To do so, we walk a fine line between law and love—keeping the commandments and walking the covenant path, while loving our neighbors along the way. This walk requires us to seek divine inspiration on what to support and what to oppose and how to love and listen respectfully and teach in the process. Our walk demands that we not compromise on commandments but show forth a full measure of understanding and love.

Elder Dallin H. Oaks  |  Two Great Commandments


What do we really know about conditions in the spirit world? I believe a BYU religion professor’s article on this subject had it right: “When we ask ourselves what we know about the spirit world from the standard works, the answer is ‘not as much as we often think.’”

Elder Dallin H. Oaks  |  Trust in the Lord

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Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Mortal life has a way of distracting us, doesn’t it? We tend to lose sight of our great quest, preferring comfort and ease over growth and progress. Still, there remains something undeniable, deep within our hearts, that hungers for a higher and nobler purpose. This hunger is one reason why people are drawn to the gospel and Church of Jesus Christ.

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf  |  Your Great Adventure


Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf

There is something interesting, almost paradoxical, about this path you’ve chosen: the only way for you to progress in your gospel adventure is to help others progress as well. To help others is the path of discipleship.

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf  |  Your Great Adventure


Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf

We could spend a lifetime waiting for that moment when everything lines up perfectly. But now is the time to commit fully to seeking God, ministering to others, and sharing our experience with others.

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf  |  Your Great Adventure


When we struggle with our own identity and lack of self-esteem, the “pleasing word of God” (Jacob 2:8) in the scriptures will help us know who we really are and give us strength beyond our own.

Takashi Wada  |  Feasting upon the Words of Christ

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Elder Jeffery R. Holland of the LDS church

We are to remember in as personal a way as possible that Christ died from a heart broken by shouldering entirely alone the sins and sorrows of the whole human family. Inasmuch as we contributed to that fatal burden, such a moment demands our respect.

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland  |  Behold the Lamb of God

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