
LDS Quotes on Faith

Joseph Smith Portrait

“The whole visible creation, as it now exists, is the effect of faith. It was faith by which it was framed, and it is by the power of faith that it continues in its organized form, and by which the planets move round their orbits and sparkle forth their glory.”

Joseph Smith  |  Lectures on Faith, 72-73

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Elder Jeffery R. Holland of the LDS church

“In this long eternal quest to be more like our Savior, may we try to be “perfect” men and women in at least this one way now-by offending not in word, or more positively put, by speaking with a new tongue, the tongue of angels. Our words, like our deeds, should be filled with faith and hope and charity, the three great Christian imperatives so desperately needed in the world today.”

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland  |  "The Tongue of Angels", Ensign, May 2007, 16–18

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Joseph Smith Portrait

“Faith is the assurance which men have of the existence of things which they have not seen and…the principle of action in all intelligent beings.”

Joseph Smith  |  “Lectures on Faith”

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“Inasmuch as salvation is attainable only through the mediation and atonement of Christ . . . faith in Jesus Christ is indispensable to salvation.”

James E. Talmage  |  Articles of Faith, 96

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“Though within the reach of all who diligently strive to gain it, faith is nevertheless a divine gift, and can be obtained only from God”

James E. Talmage  |  Jesus the Christ

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“Belief, in one of its accepted senses, may consist in a merely intellectual assent, while faith implies such confidence and conviction as will impel to action.”

James E. Talmage  |  Articles of Faith

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“As I read and ponder the scriptures, I see that developing faith, hope, and charity within ourselves is a step-by-step process. Faith begets hope, and together they foster charity. We read in Moroni, “Wherefore, there must be faith; and if there must be faith there must also be hope; and if there must be hope there must also be charity.” These three virtues may be sequential initially, but once obtained, they become interdependent. Each one is incomplete without the others. They support and reinforce each other.”

Joseph B. Wirthlin  |  “Cultivating Divine Attributes,” Ensign, Nov. 1998

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“It is an obligation to serve the truth regardless of the cost. That is the cost of what we believe in.”

James E. Faust

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As I think about faith, this principle of power, I am obliged to believe that it is an intelligent force. Of what kind, I do not know. But it is superior to and overrules all other forces of which we know. . . . [We] have had this great power given unto us, this power of faith. What are we doing about it? Can you, can we, do the mighty things that our Savior did? Yes. They have been done by the members of the Church who had the faith and the righteousness so to do. Think of what is within your power if you but live the Gospel, if you but live so that you may invoke the power which is within you.

J. Reuben Clark  |  Conference Report, April 1960, p. 21

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“It is not such a difficult thing to learn how to pray. It is not the words we use particularly that constitute prayer. Prayer does not consist of words altogether. True, faithful, earnest prayer consists more in the feeling that rises from the heart and from the inward desire of our spirits to supplicate the Lord in humility and in faith, that we may receive his blessings. It matters not how simple the words may be, if our desires are genuine and we come before the Lord with a broken heart and a contrite spirit to ask Him for that which we need. . . .My brethren and sisters, do not learn to pray with your lips only. Do not learn a prayer by heart, and say it every morning and evening. That is something I dislike very much. It is true that a great many people fall into the rut of saying over a ceremonious prayer. They begin at a certain point, and they touch at all the points along the road until they get to the winding-up scene; and when they have done, I do not know whether the prayer has ascended beyond the ceiling of the room or not.”

Joseph B. Wirthlin  |  Conference Report, October 1899, pp. 69,71-72

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