Robert Millet

“The Book of Mormon is not just a book that helps us feel good; it is a heavenly document that helps us be good. It is not only an invitation to come unto Christ; it is a pattern for accomplishing that consummate privilege. It is not just a book about religion. It is religion.”

Robert Millet  |  “So Glorious a Record,” Ensign, December 1992


“We may be quite sure that Christ-centeredness and Christ-likeness will never be attained by our own unaided efforts. How can self drive out self? We could as well expect Satan to drive out Satan. We’re not interested in skin-deep holiness and a merely external resemblance to Jesus Christ. We’re not satisfied by a superficial modification of behavior patterns in conformity to some Christian subculture which expects this, commands that, and prohibits the other. No, what we long for is a deep inward change of character resulting from a change of nature and leading to a radical change of conduct. In a word, we want to be like Christ, and that thoroughly, profoundly, entirely. Nothing less than that will do.”

Robert Millet  |  1992 CES Symposium at BYU

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“Charity is not an act but a way of life, a condition of the heart.”

Robert Millet  |  BYU Education Week 2005

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“We exercise appropriate faith in our Master by involving ourselves in the work of the Master”

Robert Millet  |  By Grace Are We Saved. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1989.

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Our main task is to declare the gospel and do it effectively. We are not obligated to answer every objection. Every man eventually is backed up to the wall of faith, and there he must make his stand. (President Ezra Taft Benson)

Robert Millet  |  “What We Believe,” BYU Devotional, Feb. 3, 1998, p. 9

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