
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf

“Setting goals is a worthy endeavor. We know that our Heavenly Father has goals because He has told us that His work and glory is ‘to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man’ (Moses 1:39).

“Our personal goals can bring out the best in us. However, one of the things that derail our efforts in making and keeping resolutions is procrastination. We sometimes delay starting, waiting for the right moment to begin—the first day of a new year, the beginning of summer, when we’re called as bishop or Relief Society president, after the kids get into school, after we retire.”

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf  |  The Best Time to Plant a Tree

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“Procrastination may seem the easy way, as it momentarily removes the effort required to accomplish something of value. Ironically, in time, procrastination produces a heavy burden laced with guilt and a hollow lack of satisfaction. Temporal and, even more importantly, spiritual goals will not be achieved by procrastination.”

Donald L. Hallstrom  |  "Do It Now", General Priesthood Meeting October 2007

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Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf

“Hope is critical to both faith and charity. When disobedience, disappointment, and procrastination erode faith, hope is there to uphold our faith. When frustration and impatience challenge charity, hope braces our resolve and urges us to care for our fellowmen even without expectation of reward. The brighter our hope, the greater our faith. The stronger our hope, the purer our charity.”

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf  |  The Infinite Power of Hope, Ensign, Nov 2008, 21–24

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However much faith to obey God we now have, we will need to strengthen it continually and keep it refreshed constantly. We can do that by deciding now to be more quick to obey and more determined to endure. Learning to start early and to be steady are the keys to spiritual preparation. Procrastination and inconsistency are its mortal enemies.

Elder Henry B. Eyring  |  “Spiritual Preparedness: Start Early and Be Steady,” Ensign, November 2005, p. 38

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