
LDS Quotes On Miracles

“Prayer, in the homes of this and other lands, is one of the simple medicines that would check the dread disease that has eroded the fiber of our character. It is as simple as sunshine and would be as effective in curing our malady. We could not expect a miracle in a day, but in a generation we would have a miracle.”

Gordon B. Hinckley  |  “Be Thou an Example”

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Elder Howard W. Hunter proclaimed that “the doctrine of the Resurrection is the single most fundamental and crucial doctrine in the Christian religion. It cannot be overemphasized, nor can it be disregarded. Without the Resurrection, the gospel of Jesus Christ becomes a litany of wise sayings and seemingly unexplainable miracles – but savings and miracles with no ultimate triumph. No, the ultimate triumph is in the ultimate miracle: for the first time in the history of mankind, one who was dead raised himself into living immortality.”

Howard W. Hunter  |  Conference Report, April 1986, p. 18

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Great and marvelous events seem to motivate us, but small things often do not hold our attention. Noting that the Liahona worked by faith, Alma stated, “Nevertheless, because those miracles were worked by small means . . . [the people of Lehi] were slothful, and forgot to exercise their faith and diligence and then those marvelous works ceased, and they did not progress in their journey.”(Alma 37:41)

Is our journey sometimes impeded when we forget the importance of small things? (See Alma 37:46.)

Elder M. Russell Ballard  |  “Small and Simple Things,” Ensign, April 1990


“My testimony to you is that miracles do happen! They are happening on the earth today, and they will continue to happen, particularly to those who believe and have great faith. Miracles occur frequently in the lives of humble, fine Latter-day Saints who have the faith to make them possible. My feeling is that the greatest of all miracles is the one that happens in the life of a person who really learns how to pray, who exercises faith to repent, and who lives the gospel in a simple and obedient way.”

Glen L. Rudd  |  Ensign, January 1989. p. 69

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It is through faith that the Lord performs his wonders among his people; and in enduring that trial of their faith he gives a blessing; and often the Lord shapes trials in a manner different from our expectations. We, in our limited capacity may mark out in our minds a programme; and when he moves upon the checker-board, he does not move the men we have in our minds, but he shapes and moves in another way; and we should be satisfied with the result. He will get the game, and in the end will move into the king row and be able to move both ways.

Erastus Snow  |  Journal of Discourses, 26 vols., 5:301

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Once we start to recognize the many miraculous and blessed manifestations of God and Christ in our lives – the everyday variety as well as restored sight to the blind and restored hearing to the deaf – we may be truly bewildered at the unexplainable principles and processes that bring about such wonders.

Howard W. Hunter  |  “The God That Doest Wonders,” Ensign, May 1989, p. 15


“To deny the reality of miracles on the ground that the results and manifestations must be fictitious simply because we cannot comprehend the means by which they have happened is arrogant on the face of it.”

Howard W. Hunter  |  Ensign, May 1989, 16.
