
LDS Quotes on Discipleship

“Once we accept the truth of the doctrine that we are the children of God, that realization changes us. Thereafter we cannot willingly injure another of transgress against him. That simple, profound doctrine has a very practical value. It brings a feeling of self-worth, of dignity, of self-respect. Then self-pity and depression fade away. When then can yield to self-discipline and to the discipline of a loving Father and accept even the very hard lessons of life. The gospel is good medicine.”

Boyd K. Packer  |  “Hope for Troubled Hearts”


“It is not enough to simply be known as a member of this Church. A solemn obligation rests upon us. Let us face it and work at it.

“We must live as true followers of the Christ, with charity toward all, returning good for evil, teaching by example the ways of the Lord, and accomplishing the vast service He has outlined for us.”

Gordon B. Hinckley  |  “A beautiful light,” Church News, Apr. 10, 2004, p. 10

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A half-hearted commitment to our covenants will not guarantee us anything. We may be tempted to equivocate, throw our old ways in calm water, or bury our weapons of rebellion with the handles sticking out.

Elder Dale G. Renlund  |  Unwavering Commitment to Jesus Christ

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Spencer W. Kimball Portrait

We can also tell that we are making progress by the attention we get from the adversary. Do not falter nor be distressed when others misrepresent us, sometimes deliberately and sometimes in ignorance. This has been the lot of the Lord’s people from the beginning, and it will be no different in our time.

Brothers and sisters, pray for the critics of the Church; love your enemies. Keep the faith. . . . This work, which Satan seeks in vain to tear down, is that which God has placed on earth to lift mankind up!

Spencer W. Kimball  |  “No Unhallowed Hand Can Stop the Work,” Ensign, May 1980, pp. 5-6


Neal A. Maxwell Headshot
“The disciple is expected to give appreciation always and to be thankful, but he is forewarned against requiring reciprocity as a condition of friendship. He is further told to pay little heed to ingratitude toward him. We can’t dwell upon another’s ingratitude without using up our time and talents unprofitably.”

Elder Neal A. Maxwell  |  Things As They Really Are, p. 56

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Neal A. Maxwell Headshot

“The more we become like Jesus, the more useful we are to Him.”

Elder Neal A. Maxwell  |  Ensign, July 1993, p. 74

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Neal A. Maxwell Headshot

“God is in the details of our lives. He knows us perfectly, just as Jesus knew the woman of Samaria whom He quizzed as to her belief in the Messiah. She said, “I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things” (John 4:25). And Jesus said, “I that speak unto thee am he” (John 4:26). She went back to her village all excited and said she’d found the Messiah, and then, significantly, she said to the villagers, “He told me all that ever I did” (John 4:39).

“God knows us perfectly. He loves us perfectly. His only begotten son, Jesus, has invited us to “come, follow me.” In a real and majestic sense, each of us has been called to serve in His holy discipleship. May we all renew our desires and efforts to do so.”

Elder Neal A. Maxwell  |  “Becoming a Disciple,” Ensign, June 1996


Neal A. Maxwell Headshot

“Genuine discipleship also means that we are always on stage. Yes, there are private moments, but moving along the straight and narrow path is scarcely a solitary or an unobserved thing. Therefore, genuine meekness is required for enduring discipleship pursued or staged.”

Elder Neal A. Maxwell  |  "Becoming a Disciple"

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“Righteousness is simply a humble understanding of how unrighteous one is coupled with a deep commitment to become better.”

James L. Ferrell  |  The Peacegiver: How Christ Offers to Heal Our Hearts and Homes


“A friend is a possession we earn, not a gift. ….The Lord has declared that those who serve him and keep his commandments are called his servants. After they have been tested and tried and are found faithful and true in all things, they are called no longer servants, but friends. His friends are the ones he will take into his kingdom and with whom he will associate in an eternal inheritance.”

Marvin J. Ashton

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