
LDS Quotes About Covenants

Spencer W. Kimball Portrait

“When you look on the dictionary for the most important word, do you know what it is? It could be ‘remember.’ Because all of you have made covenants – to know what to do and you know how to do it – our greatest need is to remember. That is why everyone goes to sacrament meeting every Sabbath day.”

Spencer W. Kimball

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Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf

“Because God has been faithful and kept his promises in the past, we can hope with confidence that God will keep His promises to us in the present and in the future.”

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf

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“A covenant made with God should be regarded not as restrictive but as protective.”

Russell M. Nelson  |  “Prepare for Blessings of the Temple,” Ensign, March 2002, pp. 21-22

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“An invitation to bear one another’s burdens is an invitation to keep our covenants. Lucy Mack Smith’s counsel to the first Relief Society sisters is more relevant today than ever before: “We must cherish one another, watch over one another, comfort one another and gain instruction, that we may all sit down in heaven together.” This is covenant keeping and visiting teaching at its finest!”

Linda K. Burton

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“Many today trade away their integrity for a very small price tag. A person who shoplifts for a candy bar, or makeup, or jewelry trades priceless integrity for a meager gain. A person who falsifies a tax return by not reporting income or claiming invalid deductions compromises valued integrity for a pittance of unpaid income tax. One who avoids paying bills promptly for goods or services received exchanges cherished integrity for a perceived temporary advantage. Husbands or wives who are unfaithful to their spouses trade their prized integrity for a fleeting moment of mirth. Integrity is so precious that it is beyond price; it is invaluable.

Joseph B. Wirthlin  |  “Personal Integrity,” Ensign, May 1990, 30–31.

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“We can observe that Word of Wisdom. We receive numerous letters inquiring whether this item or that item is proscribed by the Word of Wisdom. If we will avoid those things which are definitely and specifically defined, and beyond this observe the spirit of that great revelation, it will not involve a burden. It will, rather, bring a blessing. Do not forget: it is the Lord who has made the promise.”

Gordon B. Hinckley  |  Ensign, November 1985, p. 85

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“Divine covenants make strong Christians. I urge each one to qualify for and receive all the priesthood ordinances you can and then faithfully keep the promises you have made by covenant. In times of distress, let your covenants be paramount and let your obedience be exact. Then you can ask in faith, nothing wavering, according to your need, and God will answer. He will sustain you as you work and watch. In His own time and way He will stretch forth his hand to you, saying, “Here am I.”

Elder D. Todd Christofferson  |  “The Power of Covenants,” Ensign, May 2009, p. 22

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Keeping promises is not a habit; it is a characteristic of being a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Elder Ronald A. Rasband  |  Standing by Our Promises and Covenants

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“An eternal perspective helps us maintain complete fidelity to the covenants we make. President Packer emphasized that “ordinances and covenants become our credentials for admission into [God’s] presence. To worthily receive them is the quest of a lifetime; to keep them thereafter is the challenge of mortality.”

Russell M. Nelson  |  “Prepare for Blessings of the Temple,” Ensign, March 2002, p. 22

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“True worship goes on seven days a week. Sacraments and vows and covenants of renewal ascend to heaven daily in personal prayer.”

Bruce R. McConkie  |  A New Witness for the Articles of Faith

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