
What Does God Look Like?

Well it depends who you ask. That’s for sure. If you look at thousands of paintings produced by western culture, you’ll find a number of stereotypes arising. God is often depicted as…

  • An older, white-haired, bearded man.
  • A patriarchal figure.
  • A powerful and wise figure.
  • Holding the earth or other symbols of authority.
  • With a halo around his head, symbolizing his holiness.
  • Wearing long, flowing robes.
  • With a serene and benevolent expression.
  • Sitting or standing on a throne.
  • With angels or other divine beings around him.
  • With light or rays of light shining on him, symbolizing his divinity.
  • In a setting of clouds or other celestial imagery.
  • With a white beard.
  • As a caucasian male.
  • As an older man with a serious expression.

What Does God Look Like? (According to AI)

In hopes of producing an unbiased answer to the question, “What does God look like?” We turned to an AI image generator. Below are some images generated by AI and the prompts given that generated the resulting image.

The promt given: “The face of God the father as depicted in Christianity” 

The promt given: “A painting of the face of God the Father”

The promt given:
“A realistic portrait style image of God’s face”

What Does God Look Like: An Answer From A Christian

The question of what God may look like is a complex and multifaceted one, rooted in both scripture and tradition. While the Bible clearly states that God is a spirit and cannot be seen or understood by humans (John 4:24, Exodus 33:20), there is still much speculation and debate among theologians about the nature of God’s appearance.

One view is that God is completely transcendent and beyond human comprehension, meaning that any attempts to describe or depict God’s appearance are futile. God is infinite and eternal, and therefore cannot be limited by human understanding or imagination. God is not only beyond human comprehension but also beyond human imagination.

God can be partially understood and described through the use of metaphor and analogy. God has revealed certain aspects of himself through scripture and through the natural world. For example, the Bible uses imagery such as a “rock” (Deut 32:4) or a “father” (Isaiah 64:8) to describe God, and these metaphorical descriptions can perhaps, lend us some understanding of God’s character and attributes.

Another view is that God has revealed himself in Jesus Christ, and that the incarnate Jesus is the visible image of the invisible God (Col 1:15). According to this view, Jesus is the perfect reflection of God’s nature and character, and the only true image of God. In other words, Jesus is not only the revelation of God but also the representation of God.

Ultimately, the question of what God may look like is one that will likely continue to be debated among theologians. While we may never fully understand or comprehend the nature of God until the next life, we can still gain some understanding through scripture, tradition, and personal reflection.

It’s important to note that this individual’s opinion may not be a perfect representation of what all christians believe.

What Does God Look Like: An Answer From a Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

I believe that God the Father is a physical being, and that the nature of God is embodied. My belief in this is rooted in the teachings of the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants, which assert that God has a body of flesh and bones (Doctrine and Covenants 130:22).

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints teaches that God the Father is a glorified, perfected, and immortal being, who has a physical body of flesh and bones, as tangible as man’s. The Church also teaches that the Father and the Son are separate and distinct personages, each having a physical body. This is in contrast to the traditional Christian view of God as a spirit and not having a physical form.

A doctrine that, by all appearances is unique to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is that human beings have the potential to become like God in every way. Perhaps, even including in the aspect of physicality. This doctrine is known as “theosis” or “deification” which states that human beings can progress to become like God, and will receive a resurrected body like his. This teaches that God’s physicality is not only a present reality but also a future possibility for humanity.

It’s important to note that this individual’s opinion may not be a perfect representation of what all members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints believe. 

What Does God Look Like: An Answer From a Muslim

It is important to note that the concept of the physical appearance of Allah is not something that is discussed or described in the Quran or Hadith. According to Islamic theology, Allah is a transcendent and unknowable being, who cannot be fully comprehended by human understanding.

The Quran states, “There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the Hearing, the Seeing” (Quran 42:11) and “Vision perceives Him not, but He perceives [all] vision; and He is the Subtle, the Acquainted” (Quran 6:103). These verses, and many others, make it clear that Allah is beyond human comprehension and that any attempts to describe or depict Allah’s appearance are done in vain.

Furthermore, it is considered to be a form of shirk (idolatry) to try to depict Allah in any way, shape or form. It is believed that any depiction of God would be a limited, human-made representation, and therefore not a true representation of the infinite and eternal being that is Allah.

In addition, the Quran also teaches us that Allah is not bound by time or space, and is not limited by physical attributes. This means that any physical description or image of Allah would be limited or inadequate.

It’s important to note that this individual’s opinion may not be a perfect representation of what all members of the Islamic religion believe.