Ulisses Soares

LDS apostle, ulisses soares

Sometimes solutions to certain challenges come after months and months of continuous effort. The promise found in the Book of Mormon that “it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do,”13 is applicable in these circumstances. Please remember that the Savior’s gift of grace “is not necessarily limited in time to ‘after’ all we can do. We may receive His grace before, during, and after the time when we expend our own efforts.”

Ulisses Soares  |  Take Up Our Cross


LDS apostle, ulisses soares

It is hard to understand all the reasons why some people take another path. The best we can do in these circumstances is just to love and embrace them, pray for their well-being, and seek for the Lord’s help to know what to do and say. Sincerely rejoice with them in their successes; be their friends and look for the good in them. We should never give up on them but preserve our relationships. Never reject or misjudge them. Just love them!

Ulisses Soares  |  How Can I Understand?

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LDS apostle, ulisses soares

There is no place for prejudiced thoughts or actions in the community of Saints.

Ulisses Soares  |  Brothers and Sisters in Christ

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LDS apostle, ulisses soares

My dear friends, we must remember that taking our cross upon ourselves includes being humble and trusting in God and in His infinite wisdom. We must acknowledge that He is aware of each of us and of our needs. It is also necessary to accept the fact that the Lord’s timing is different than ours. Sometimes we seek for a blessing and set a time limit for the Lord to fulfill it. We cannot condition our faithfulness to Him by imposing upon Him a deadline for the answers to our desires.

Ulisses Soares  |  Take Up Our Cross
