Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Quotes By Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf

“Our willingness to repent shows our gratitude for God’s gift and for the Savior’s love and sacrifice on our behalf. Commandments and priesthood covenants provide a test of faith, obedience, and love for God and Jesus Christ, but even more importantly, they offer an opportunity to experience love from God and to receive a full measure of joy both in this life and in the life to come.”

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf  |  "A Matter of a Few Degrees", Ensign, May 2008, 57–60

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Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf

“God does not look on the outward appearance. I believe that He doesn’t care one bit if we live in a castle or a cottage, if we are handsome or homely, if we are famous or forgotten. Though we are incomplete, God loves us completely. Though we are imperfect, He loves us perfectly. Though we may feel lost and without compass, God’s love encompasses us completely…He loves us because He is filled with an infinite measure of holy, pure, and indescribable love. We are important to God not because of our résumé but because we are His children. He loves every one of us”

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf  |  “The Love of God,” Oct. 2009

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Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf

“Let’s be honest; it’s rather easy to be busy. We all can think up a list of tasks that will overwhelm our schedules. Some might even think that their self-worth depends on the length of their to-do list. They flood the open spaces in their time with lists of meetings and minutia—even during times of stress and fatigue. Because they unnecessarily complicate their lives, they often feel increased frustration, diminished joy, and too little sense of meaning in their lives.”

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf  |  Of Things That Matter Most

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Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf

“Yes, there is always something imperfect in any situation. Yes, it is easy to find things to complain about. But brethren, we are bearers of the Holy Priesthood, after the Order of the Son of God! .. I feel a certain sadness for those who do not grasp and appreciate the wonder and privilege of the priesthood. They are like passengers on an airplane who spend their time grumbling about the size of the packet of peanuts while they are soaring through the air, far above the clouds.”

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf  |  The Joy of the Priesthood, Conference, October 2012

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Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf

I testify that when we embark upon or continue the incredible journey that leads to God, our lives will be better. This does not mean that our lives will be free from sorrow. We all know of faithful followers of Christ who suffer tragedy and injustice–Jesus Christ Himself suffered more than anyone. Just as God makes the “sun to rise on the evil and on the good,” He also allows adversity to test the just and the unjust. In fact, sometimes it seems that our lives are more difficult because we are trying to live our faith. No, following the Savior will not remove all of your trials. However, it will remove the barriers between you and the help your Heavenly Father wants to give you. God will be with you. He will direct your steps. He will walk beside you and even carry you when your need is greatest.

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf  |  A Yearning for Home

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Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf

“There is enough heartache and sorrow in this life without our adding to it through our own stubbornness, bitterness, and resentment. … We must let go of our grievances. … That is the Lord’s way.”

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf  |  “The Merciful Obtain Mercy,” 76–77

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Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf

“I, the Lord, will forgive whom I will forgive,” but then He said, “… of you it is required to forgive all men… May I add a footnote here? When the Lord requires that we forgive all men, that includes forgiving ourselves. Sometimes, of all the people in the world, the one who is the hardest to forgive—as well as perhaps the one who is most in need of our forgiveness—is the person looking back at us in the mirror.”

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf  |  The Merciful Obtain Mercy

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Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf

“In truth, we “all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” We are all in need of mercy. In that last day when we are called to the judgment bar of God, do we not hope that our many imperfections will be forgiven? Do we not yearn to feel the Savior’s embrace? It seems only right and proper that we extend to others that which we so earnestly desire for ourselves.”

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf  |  “You Are My Hands”, Ensign May 2010, pp. 68-70, 75

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Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Because their potential for good is so great and their gifts so diverse, women may find themselves in roles that vary with their circumstances in life. Some women, in fact, must fill many roles simultaneously. For this reason, Latter-day Saint women are encouraged to acquire an education and training that will qualify them both for homemaking and raising a righteous family and for earning a living outside the home if the occasion requires.

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf  |  The Influence of Righteous Women


Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf

If you are a mother, you participate with God in His work of creation—not only by providing physical bodies for your children but also by teaching and nurturing them.

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf  |  Happiness, Your Heritage
